Page 62 - B-ALL#15
P. 62
Symbol of Osiris and of the reconstitution of his body, the «oudjat eye « or «Eye of Horus» was considered one of the strongest protective amulets.
In most cities of Egypt, the Mysteries of Osiris ceremonies ended with a long nautical procession to accompany the sacred boat of Osiris from his temple to his sanctuary.
Under the aegis of Franck Goddio, the mission of the European Institute of Underwater Archeology, discovered a few kilometers from Alexandria, the cities of Thonis - Heracleion and Canopus submerged since the eighth century in the bay of Abukir with remains of temples.
These underwater excavations have come out of the Nile waters of monuments and statues, ritual instruments and offerings in direct relation to the «Mysteries of Osiris.»
The Thoueris goddess, Egyptian Museum, Cairo (CGC 39194)
Photo : Christoph Gerigk © Franck Goddio/Hilti Foundation