Page 57 - B-ALL#16
P. 57
Paul Pagk works very dense lights from pure pigments of colors that he produces himself in the tradition
of the great masters, giving time a chance.
He builds each hue as a «skin» on the canvas with patience, slowly weaving the fabric of intimacy between the body of his painting and that of the viewer.
Paul Pagk is very attached to this bodily experience, this alchemy of touch. In search of the absolute, his painting develops and keeps all the energy in its various strata
in its dermis to its skin.
Patiently, Paul Pagk draws, covers, incise geometric lines that reveal the different layers of color to make up
that energy and let rise shapes, spaces, illusory prospects which oppose the depth of his paintings.
Abstract painting of Paul Pagk is dense, delicate and tactile, thus the forms of reason and mathematical logic yield pure emotions...
Untitled green white - Paul Pagk
2015 - Oil on linen - 65 X 74
Photo. J.-F. Rogeboz, © courtesy galerie Eric Dupont, Paris.