Page 105 - B-ALL#19
P. 105
En In his quest for an art that «breathes love,» the romanticism of Delacroix has always had an unwavering place in his aesthetic universe; he inspired his drama and me- lancholic reverie.
Baudelaire had made him his hero; he wanted him to be his brother because he aspired to the same place in literature as the painter in the artistic Pantheon.
The flesh of words, the heart that was beating the hues of their veins charged with light ... of these souls forever accomplices was born the purest expression of modernity.
«Passion brings closer similar temperaments and raises the reason to new heights.». Charles Baudelaire
Octave Tassaert
Paris, 1800 – Paris, 1874 La Nymphe couchée Huile sur toile
Lyon, musée des Beaux-Arts