Page 131 - B-ALL#19
P. 131

Several paintings will be deposited before his exile in the coffers of a bank in Lilbourn, which unfortunately will not escape the looting. From New York, he will fight for the restitution of these works thanks to the support of France.
He will then donate to the French state several works to thank it for the action taken to recover the spoiled property.
This exhibition is therefore a true thread of an important moment in the history of mankind and the history of art.
A section proposes to retrace the notion of degenerate art, a term generally de- voted to any avant-garde creation by the Nazi authorities in comparison with their traditional Germanic art. Thus are exhibited side-by-side works of these two opposing artistic conceptions to bring out their profound differences.
The picture «The Soler Family» of Picasso in his blue period shows a middle- class picnic family while the work of Rudolf Otto staged a supper in the rough German peasantry.
This exhibition has value as much by the talent of the artists of which it stages the canvases as by its moving testimony of a page of history to the thousand and one colors beyond the shadows.
Paul Gauguin
The Sorcerer of Hiva Oa, 1902
© MAMAC, Liège -
Filed by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles on 23 November 2010

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