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THE EYE OF BAUDELAIRE September 20, 2016 to January 29, 2017
Micha Christos
T o mark the sesquicentennial of the death of Charles Baudelaire, the Museum of Romantic Life is devoting an exhibition to the aesthetic curiosities of the poet.
In the presence of a hundred paintings, sculptures and prints evoked by Baudelaire, the viewer is invited to confront his own eyes to the artistic sensibility of the author of Fleurs du mal and how it has earned the definition «modern beauty», «a double conception» expressing the eternal in the transitory.
Baudelaire said, «who says romance says modern art - that is, intimacy, spirituality, color, aspiration towards the infinite. «. At his side, this exhibition explores the mutations taking place between romanticism and impressionism and presents the leading artists of the time - Delacroix, Ingres, Corot, Rousseau or Chassériau - the painters who were able to please or irritate him. Facing the new Paris, the poet has built his modernity embodied by the younger generation and the figure of Manet.
«To glorify the cult of pictures - my great, my unique, my primitive passion,» - My heart laid bare - 1862-.

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