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This major Parisian exhibition gives pride of place to still life, a genre long considered minor and born late in the 17th century in France. This expression «still life» hides very lively subjects, an arrangement of things in an order dictated by the vision of each artist.
170 works are thus brought together and dialogue with each other beyond time and geography.
Since prehistoric times, beings have made things lively and interesting by exalting their forms, their meanings as well as their powers and their charms.
They are the living symbols of our fears, our beliefs as well as our wildest dreams and desires.
The still life tells of our relationship with material goods, which, far from being inert, are charged with emotions and meanings.
German school, Still life with bottles and books around 1530 ? Oil on wood (oak)
106.2 × 82.4 × 1.5 cm (unframed); 118 × 94 × 4 cm (framed) Colmar, Musée Unterlinden © Musée d’Unterlinden, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais /image Société Schongauer

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