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The Kunsthaus Zürich presents “Giacometti – Dali. Gardens of Dreams.»
Until July 2, 2023, the Kunsthaus Zürich is hosting the first exhibition devoted to the surrealist cooperation of Salvador Dali and Alberto Gia- cometti. It is organized around the construction of a large garden project, never realized.
In 1929, with the «Project for a Place», Giacometti sketched the first three figures of the sculpture intended for the exterior spaces of the Villa of Charles and Marie-Laure de Noailles in the south of France.
The artist models on a model, then larger in his studio, five elements that arouse many associations in the minds of those who look at them. As in a dream, the objects barely seem to suggest a concrete function.
A cone, a disc, a snake, a stele and a half sphere, the forms oscillate between the tangible and the abstract, the natural organic and the artifi- cially constructed.
These objects together form a space in which the public finds itself suddenly. Subsequently, Dali had the idea of integrating these elements on a human scale, or close to it, in a biomorphic garden, like the sketch «Project for the Noailles» (1932-1933) by the Catalan painter allows for imagining. This project testifies to the spirit of collective creation and sharing that animates the two artists at the time.
Salvador Dalí, Femme à tête de roses, 1935 Oil on wood, 35 x 27 cm Kunsthaus Zürich, 1957
© Salvador Dalí, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí / 2023, ProLitteris, Zurich

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