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Cocteau, the Frivolous Prince, knew how to juggle his passions and live like a tightrope walker, always ready to go to the other side of the looking glass.
A prolific, non-conformist and versatile artist,
he gracefully knew how to shine in all fields and left his mark on cultural history with the timeless freshness of his eternal youth in the light of his famous star.
Jean Cocteau
la Rivincita del giocoliere (la Revenche du Jongleur)
Peggy Guggenheim Collection - Venise - Italie,
Jean Cocteau
Untitled (Sans titre)
Ink on paper
29,6 x 20,9 cm
Centre Pompidou, Paris. Musée national d’art moderne / Centre de création industrielle, Gift, 2018 © Adagp/Comité Cocteau, Paris, by SIAE 2024

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