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A t that time, Venice had been spared by the bombings. It was a city in full demographic explosion, a kind of refuge city for people transferred from the countryside and a charming destination for the first tourists.
His fame grew thanks to the Mostra del Cinema, the Biennale and the many exhi- bitions. An industrial city that became a cultural city, it was the ideal setting for an event of extreme elegance.
The strict rules of dress, whose only element of female rebellion lay in the haughty portage of huge hats, gave way to a certain fluidity, a new lightness without com- pletely abandoning the past. Mr. Dior has come to reinvent and reinterpret fashion according to the demands of time.
© Museo Nazionale di Villa Pisani a Stra - Polo Museale del Veneto, “su concessione del Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali”.

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