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P. 173

The interview is dense because this forty- something has things to say.
She admits to excelling in managing daily life but not being good at projecting herself. She lets herself go easily, which means she has already lived several professional lives.
Letting herself be magnetized.
Before Involuté, Sophie, a Breton and hard worker, with five years of literature studies and business school in her pocket, worked in publishing and then very quickly in marketing at La Poste, international branch.
She stayed there for ten years before feeling that she had covered everything and realized that her increasingly intense schedule could harm the precious harmony of her family re- fuge. And her family is non-negotiable!
She activates pause mode without any particu- lar objective.
Her plan is to not have one in order to let her- self be magnetized by opportunities. Quite quickly, during a children’s tea party, she meets the owner of a small wine estate in Burgundy looking for «the person» who could develop exports.
«Hire me!» She knows nothing about wine. It doesn’t matter.

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