So we wondered what would happen if we put ATIP3 force into the cancer cells. We began by transfection. We have cloned the DNA ATIP3, we have stuck a green hat on its head and we have pushed it back into the cells. It was spectacular. We saw the cells calm down, microtubules become more stable, in the presence of ATIP3 the mice had fewer tumors and metastases. It was found that ATIP3 is a new anti-cancer. At this moment in the lab, we are working to understand how ATIP3 is acting to curb the proliferation and migration of cancer cells. Step required to achieve a drug. The whole team is working on how ATIP3 is talking with her friends, tubulin and actin kinesin. Who she is meeting in the cell and if they are sharing phosphate groups, like other exchange postcards. We put colors on them and we film them, we put them on acrylamide gels, we think of them all the time.