Anni was marked by a significant encounter that later became a nice anecdote: when she only just arrived in the United States, she and Josef received Mies van der Rohe and his wife at home. She had carefully prepared butter curls with a knife when Mies told her that in the Bauhaus spirit, butter had to be a plain one piece block and nothing else. She never forgot about it. In 2012, on the occasion of the latest Albers exhibition back at Beaubourg, Eve imagined a creative workshop where anyone could try one’s hand at painting on canvas made of crispy bread thanks to innovative tubes pre-filled with savors and colors of her own composition. The wanna-be painters-cookers could therefore play with a range of colors from the delicate pink with Sakura cherry blossoms to the Balsamic Black, a deep seawater black garlic, not to mention the Winter Sun made of bergamot and butternut.