Leonardo da Vinci
is known and recognized as one of the masters of the «Art Sciences» and for centuries the greatest talents have drawn their inspiration from his colossal work, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large.
From the very era of Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael and Michel Angelo have immersed their souls in the studies of the secrets of the Master’s wisdom. He himself has never ceased to turn inward, relentlessly striving for the divine essence of Creation, the Grand Architect’s, the Universe’s, God’s, whatever we call him or not.
Michel Ange Michelangelo Buonarroti Simoni di Lodovico, says (1475 - 1564), The Virgin and Child with St. Anne - A male nude.around 1504-1505. Pen and brown ink, taken partly in stone black, perhaps with a few stylus incisions, Paris, Department Graphic Arts, the Louvre, INV.685 ro © RMN / Thierry Le Mage
Of all his sketches, the most fragile, with the finest strokes of red chalk or black chalk is his famous and inimitable «sfumato» -«gradation» in italian-, a shiny halo born out of a blending stump in which Leonardo da Vinci tears open the veil on the mysteries of the universe out of a deeply moving stroke full of the purest humanity. There are too many self-proclaimed or so-called creators who pride themselves on making brilliant works. He, has worked relentlessly, with nothing to keep him away from his fabulous quest for Knowledge. Even when his right hand got paralyzed, he continued to work with the left one.