Promoters of modern art, they open galleries in major tourist spots, beginning with the avenue of the Champs Elysées in Paris in 2003, and then Central Park in New York, great capital of contemporaneous art par excellence. In the same vein as Jeff Koons or Murakami in the Château de Versailles, the Galeries Bartoux chose the prestigious vineyard of Pommard, halfway across the wine road, to expose Dali, Miro, Picasso but also Andy Warhol’s Pop Art, Keith Haring’s Street Culture or even Julien Marinetti’s playful art, the author of the famous «doggy John» full of colors, the latter having just created a couple of Pandas while encouraged to do so by Robert Bartoux who thereby wants to hit the new frantic market. Note that this sacred figure in China will soon be off to this very country that symbolizes their origins. Heading for Asia, the Galeries Bartoux are preparing to open in Singapore at the end of the year, forever conforming to the philosophy of art as an emotional vision accessible to a large public and that goes beyond all borders.